Personal Performance Analysis
Eunoia model M4level performance analysis is designed to guide executives and managers seeking effective development. It works by applying a simplified personal-construct model that is easy to understand and realistic to apply.
The aim of this assessment is to identify the most important components of performance that could be developed. Once the developmental focus points are identified, the participant can expedite performance improvement. This may entail rescripting critical definitions, acquiring greater ownership of interpreting daily events and results, and improving the selection of key performance indicators.
assessment Components and earlier versions of this tool have been used for the past 18 years in the following:
- Executive, managerial and sales training
- Assessing individuals for promotion
- Interpreting individual behaviour
- Performance analysis
- Career Guidance
Executive leadership capacity development
Executives’ leadership is analyzed with our personal construct assessment.
Our assessment approach has the following features that make it uniquely capable:
Activating personal uniqueness
No labelling for people into specific groups with similar attributes
We do not assess behaviour only, but a comprehensive personal
We determine personal leadership’s overall capacity by developing eight carefully selected sequential capacities